Peachy's View of the World

*** ATTENTION **** Enjoy the ride pictures from 2006!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Niagara Falls

This is Niagara Falls frozen over in 1911.

Just how cold does it have to be to freeze the falls over? And for how long does it have to be that cold?
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Following Mike north....

I"d recognize Rt 28 north anywhere..

I think this is Rt 228.....
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Over the mountain and thru the dale to Grandma's house we go.....

I love traveling new roads...

When was the last time ya seen corn?

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More corn....

I don't recall the route #'s here, could be 85 or 210.. not really sure....

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Over to Punxsutawny, Jefferson County, PA

Great view coming into Punxsy!

This little furry critter was everywhere waving to us!!

If my father were still alive, he would loved to of seen these old cars!!! Posted by Picasa

Prince Gallitzen Picnic

Don't know what this crop is, but look at the storm damage....

I just love the panaramic vistas...

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Prince Gallitzen Picnic

The entrance sign....

This is the road into the park....

This is still the road into the park... Posted by Picasa

Prince Gallitzen Picnic

Who is this young fella ducking out of the shot??
If ya look in the back, you can see another camera nut taking a shot of us taking a shot of him!

Wings on at the picnic line up! Posted by Picasa

Prince Gallitzen Picnic Ride

I caught a few of the trikes out in front of us at the stop sign.

And down the mountain we go!!

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Out of Tyrone, PA

See the water slide way back there? Don't recall the name of this park, Mike did say.

The next shot is Del Grosso's where the spaghetti sauce is made!

And of course, more corn and mountains.....

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Love those mountains....

I"m forever impressed with the purple mountain majesty......they go on and on....
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The Horseshoe Curve, Altoona, PA

You can see the train in the far background as we approach...and of course, the police had to get in on our ride in.....
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The Horseshoe Curve, Altoona, PA

You can hear the train wheels screech as they go around the curve...
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